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Wednesday, January 30, 2013



I’ve talked about how lighting is so important when staging your home. Most of us understand how important interior lighting is when staging a home. And while this post focuses mostly on interior fixtures, don’t forget that it is also important to address the exterior lighting of your home when you are staging.
Here, I just want to give a very brief overview of the three main types of bulbs you may use for fixtures in your home.
  • Incandescent
    This is the image that pops into your head when someone mentions light bulb. Most of us grew up using these and probably still do. Incandescent bulbs are very inexpensive but don’t last as long as other types.They use a lot of energy and are the least efficient type of bulb.

    Did you know that incandescent bulbs are slowly being phased out?
    So what does that mean for you? You’ll need to use one of these other types of bulbs.  
    The familiar incandescent bulb that most of us grew up with.
    Copyright by 2008 Thomas Brightbill

  • CFL
    Most of you think of these as the spiral bulbs that have become very common over the years. CFL stands for compact fluorescent. In the beginning, the light was harsh and it turned many people off from using them, despite their benefits. They may cost a bit more, but they last much longer than incandescent and they are not energy hogs. Over the years, they have really improved to the point that they give off light almost identical to a typical incandescent. Some of the other problems they have addressed and are still working on include: the look and style of the bulb; which fixtures can use them; being able to be used in 3-way fixtures; and working with lights set on timers. There are also many other improvements and upgrades in progress. As time has gone by the prices have come down a bit. The only thing some people see as a negative is the fact that they can’t just be thrown in the trash because they contain mercury, which is considered a toxic substance. But don’t panic. It’s not harmful to use the fixture.
    If one does break however, here’s what you should do. However, most places that sell them, especially major home improvement stores, will take them for recycling. You can also visit Earth 911 to find locations for disposal of CFLs, as well as other products that can’t be thrown away with household trash.
    A CFL, or Compact Fluorescent Bulb, is more energy efficient than incandescent bulbs.
    Copyright 2008 by Sfhazwaste

  • LED
    These bulbs are showing up more and more each day. I really started to notice these more and more during the holidays. I saw LED holiday lights everywhere last year and this past season. LED stands for light emitting diode. They are the most efficient and don’t contain any toxic substances. They last longer than both incandescent and CLF bulbs. However, they are the most expensive.
Here is an example of LED lighting. Many lights are now being made with LED bulbs.
Copyright 2012 by Kristen DiNobile

When shopping for bulbs, remember that a 40 watt incandescent is not the same as a 40 watt CFL or LED. Most manufacturers will list the comparable bulb on the box. You can also find conversions charts online.
Remember, when deciding which bulb to buy, consider your wants, needs, budget, type of fixture, and whether or not your fixture takes the type of bulb you are considering.

For selling a home, it’s obviously not worth the investment to purchase LED bulbs for fixtures that are staying with the house, as these can cost $40 or more. For fixtures you intend to take, the choice is yours. While it’s okay to want to be green and use the most eco-friendly products when staging, you might need to make some compromises when staging your home. Remember, you can decorate your new home any way you want.

However, your goal when staging your home is to show it at its best. If a spiral CFL bulb sticks out from under a chandelier, you might want to consider an incandescent or other CLF style while your home is on the market. Overall, I would recommend that you choose the bulb that works best for that fixture, looks the best, and gives off the right amount of light. And of course, make sure that you never exceed the manufacturer’s recommended wattage.

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